So, which architecture is considered the best for mobile applications? And why? To choose the best type of mobile application architecture for your applications, developers need to take into account the platform, intended end users, data processing processes, key application functions and the project budget. Usually, development teams and developers have the opportunity to choose the architecture of a mobile application to their liking. To get started, they can choose one of three options, namely: native, web-oriented and hybrid mobile architecture and technology stacks. The choice depends on their personal preferences and the style that is convenient for them. However, if you are looking for a code-free or low-code mobile app development option, App Master is a great and convenient way to get started without too much hassle.
Native mobile apps
Native mobile applications are hosted in the device itself and are designed to work on mobile devices in a variety of conditions. Since native apps “live” on the home screen of mobile devices, they are most useful under adverse circumstances. For example, native applications can work efficiently through the main screen of the device even in conditions of low network bandwidth or lack thereof. Native applications are not designed for bulkiness and are built on a lightweight architecture of mobile applications.
As a result, native applications process data efficiently and have an intuitive design. Native apps are also versatile, user-friendly (UI) apps for users working offline or in low-bandwidth environments. The versatility of these native mobile applications allows users to work effectively with them on a wide range of physical devices with different sizes. Native apps also work well on various types of platforms, such as Android, iOS or web platform.
The disadvantage of native applications is that they are developed for the platform on which the architecture of the mobile application is hosted. Native applications are not a flexible technology, so they are difficult to scale. As a result, application developers may need to create a completely different application to adapt it to new updates or changes.